Monday, June 29, 2015

pit stops

fear grips me on the inside, but i'm still smiling.
i've never been more afraid in my life.

it's been a long time coming, this unforgiving doom
i've learnt its secrets, and know its truth.
i realize it's time to leave, before it gets too late;
before i'm trapped in this maze
that has no beginning and no end.

the trees in the dark forest tell me to calm down,
steady your breathing, close your eyes.
the tree, they say, never grudges the leaves for leaving,
the river doesn't complain about the fish
swimming upstream.
books don't cry about unhappy endings,
like doors that cannot ask to never be closed.

i will never be rid of this fear.
and when you take me in your arms,
i close my eyes
so i don't have see its blazing eyes
staring at me through the darkness.