our messages are all encrypted.
code words, and password protected.
a shy smile sent into the internet,
innocent looking, but with other meaning.
it's all hidden, deleted but not forgotten
the kind of memory that even you start to doubt.
there is no trace of us anywhere,
no clues to track, and no body to find.
there is nothing but a lingering feeling
of something amazing,
i don't know what to call it,
maybe you could give it meaning?
burning desire, compressed into
an email attachment.
i bet you didn't know
that love could be so small.
the ache of longing and belonging
turned into a ridiculously inadequate
heart-shaped ping.
when they come looking for us,
we will be gone, and there will be nothing to find.
hidden and deleted,
buried and invisible,
fake hugs and forced pretence.
and still,
the only thing that makes perfect sense.
code words, and password protected.
a shy smile sent into the internet,
innocent looking, but with other meaning.
it's all hidden, deleted but not forgotten
the kind of memory that even you start to doubt.
there is no trace of us anywhere,
no clues to track, and no body to find.
there is nothing but a lingering feeling
of something amazing,
i don't know what to call it,
maybe you could give it meaning?
burning desire, compressed into
an email attachment.
i bet you didn't know
that love could be so small.
the ache of longing and belonging
turned into a ridiculously inadequate
heart-shaped ping.
when they come looking for us,
we will be gone, and there will be nothing to find.
hidden and deleted,
buried and invisible,
fake hugs and forced pretence.
and still,
the only thing that makes perfect sense.