past midnight, my knees were weak
from your fervent, forbidden kiss.
I drove fast, through childhood lanes.
the same lanes I took,
to go to 7am French classes,
the result of which,
is a heart that refuses to break.
I drove furiously,
spurned on by an evening of a meeting of souls,
with chosen music and yearning looks,
I know,
you have an early morning,
and I have an endless night.
I swear I almost crashed the car,
yes, on purpose,
hoping that it would wake me up
from this horrible, unfair, impossible dream.
a dream where I laugh with you,
where I kiss you without wondering when the next kiss is going to come.
I can still taste you,
through the tears that refused to flow,
even though i really tried,
as if the tears would comfort me.
I drove at 60 kilometres an hour,
trying to run away from you,
afraid that you would actually grant me
that one minute more.
my hand is still warm.
my soul is still smiling.
my lips are still happy.
I swear, when you kiss me,
you leave me wanting,