"is this how two adults, who care for each other, move on?"
"as far as i'm concerned, two adults who care for each other, don't move on."
do you know why the phoenix rises from the ashes? because it is in love with the fire, no matter how it hurts. and you'll see the love in its eyes, shining brighter than the fire when its wings start to burn. and when it is consumed, there comes a moment of complete silence, with even the sun holding its breath. and then the ash starts to twirl, twinkling through the darkness, rising slowly as each feather comes to life in a glorious flame of love. each time the phoenix dies for love, it is born again out of love. you've seen me burn. now, watch me rise. i promise, you won't be able to tear your eyes away. i promise, your won't be able to blink. i promise, you will want to burn in the same fire.
"as far as i'm concerned, two adults who care for each other, don't move on."
do you know why the phoenix rises from the ashes? because it is in love with the fire, no matter how it hurts. and you'll see the love in its eyes, shining brighter than the fire when its wings start to burn. and when it is consumed, there comes a moment of complete silence, with even the sun holding its breath. and then the ash starts to twirl, twinkling through the darkness, rising slowly as each feather comes to life in a glorious flame of love. each time the phoenix dies for love, it is born again out of love. you've seen me burn. now, watch me rise. i promise, you won't be able to tear your eyes away. i promise, your won't be able to blink. i promise, you will want to burn in the same fire.