the last one was for you.
about you, from you, to you.
because of you.
this one is just a post-it note.
i'm in the wild tonight,
lost beyond maps and directions,
alone, and I cannot even conjure up your voice.
because the last time I heard it,
you weren't talking to me.
your songs are all around me,
the wild is dangerous, they say.
to me, it's a familiar path.
the silence is childlike disobedience,
innocent yet audacious,
but only because I do not know the answer
to the questions your heart asks.
"society, you're a crazy breed"
I know you're not lonely
without me.
I'm looking for the orange hat,
stuck somewhere on the waves of your smiles,
and I wait for the next big one.
no hopes and no regrets,
and I hope you won't regret
that "if there was ever someone
to keep me home, it would be you"
it's not a mystery to me
how you won't be free,
till you have it all.