Friday, February 21, 2014

an eye for an eye

the darkness keeps me company,
the cold hugs me at night,
the terror is my shadow
and unending sorrow, my companion.

uncomprehending when i try to shake them off,
they are hurt by my rejection.
my attempt to abandon them
is met with scared disbelieving eyes.

the night hopes the sun will never rise,
the moon, prays for a world of darkness.

the sun, the master of the universe,
cares for no man, no woman, no lover, no friend.

he rises, bestows his warmth on the world,
like a gift that one cannot refuse.
his smile can almost stop the world from turning,
his eyes shine, lit by the innocence of his soul,
his arms around you, can dispel even the blackest dark.

but he always leaves at sunset,
turns in without a second thought,
behind the curtain of the horizon,
deep into the sea, lulled to sleep by the waves
fingers running through his hair
to conjure up the best of dreams.